Repair Station
Roush Aviation is an FAA Certificated Repair Station (J23R273Y) specializing in the overhaul and repair of the Rolls Royce Merlin and license built Packard Motor Company V-1650 engines. We are the only FAA Certificated Repair Station authorized to overhaul Merlin Engines.
Roush Aviation is driven to be the leader in the overhaul, repair, service, and production of PMA parts for the V-1650 Merlin engine. We are constantly developing approved repair processes, alteration processes, and FAA PMA parts in order to increase reliability and durability of the Merlin Engine. All repairs, alterations, and PMA parts are developed by our staff engineers and FAA Consultant DER.
Our goal is to provide our customer’s with engines of the highest quality, that meet the same level of performance as originally designed, yet are more durable and reliable then the original engine. Our overhauled engines include approved parts and approved alterations to increase the life of the engine by using improved materials and technology.
In addition to our standard overhauls, we also offer an engine lease program to keep you flying while we overhaul your engine. We know that it’s important to our customers to keep their aircraft flying, this is just one more service we can offer. Need help installing your newly overhauled Roush Aviation Merlin? We can send our mechanics to your hangar to assist with the engine installation or install it for you.
We offer a full line of capabilities including:
- Overhaul of Rolls Royce Merlin / Packard V-1650 Engines
- Development and approval of Major Repairs and Alterations
- Development and approval of FAA PMA Parts and STC’s
- Repair of damaged casings used in the V-1650 Engine
- Dynamic balancing of rotating components
- Magnetic Particle Non-Destructive Testing
- Reverse Engineering of engine and airframe components
- Re-engineering of original engine and aircraft components to improve service life
- Approval of engineering design data by FAA DER on staff
Click for a complete list of our Approved Repairs and Alteration Processes.
As an FAA Certified Repair Station , Roush Aviation holds authorizations for:
- Powerplant Overhaul, Repair and Service
- Non-Destructive Testing
- Welding
- Dynamic Balancing
The personnel of Roush Aviation’s Repair Station are compromised of Certificated Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics with Inspection Authorization, Certificated Repairmen, Class II NDT personnel, Certificated Welding Technicians, and an FAA Designated Engineering Representative.
Inside our facility we have a state-of-the-art, full service machine shop, inspection department, and welding department to provide for all our machining, inspection, and welding needs. As part of our FAA Certificated Repair Station, Roush Aviation holds FAA Approved Repairs Procedures for specialized welding processes used to repair damaged aluminum engine components.
From the top down, we are focused, driven and committed to provide the highest quality service and parts for our customers. All of us at Roush Aviation are committed to keeping the Merlin engine in the sky powering the iconic aircraft of WWII for many generations to come, to honor all those that flew or worked on this historic engine and the aircraft that it powered.
For more information contact:
Paul Draper
Roush Aviation – Packard V-1650 Merlin FAA Repair Station J23R273Y
Office: (734) 779-7173
Cell: (734) 890-9813