Few things in this world compare to the sound of a Rolls Royce or Packard Merlin flying by in any of the iconic aircraft it powered. Our mission is to keep that sound alive for many generations to come. This is what drives us at Roush Aviation.
The Rolls Royce and Packard built Merlin engine is truly a work of art, a testament to the designers, assemblers, and maintainers. It’s a historic engine that still, almost 70 years later, is powering some of the most historic aircraft of all time. While the Merlin engine was well ahead of it’s time for its design, is now almost 70 years later, running low on parts and service life. While many in the past and present have done the admirable job of doing what they could with the parts they had, we have stepped forward to provide the services and new PMA parts necessary to ensure the Merlin engine remains where it belongs in history, in the sky. As part of Roush Aviation, we maintain and operate two North American Aviation P-51 Mustangs, a P-51B “Old Crow”, and a P-51D “Gentleman Jim”.
All of our repairs, alterations, and PMA parts are tested on our test stand and approved. After approval, we fly behind them. All parts and services are flown by us first before being offered to our customers.
Roush Aviation is the only company that is certificated by the FAA as a Repair Station authorized to overhaul the Rolls Royce and Packard V-1650 Merlin Engine. Beyond the overhaul of our customer’s engines, we also provide routine inspection and maintenance services at your hangar or ours.
While most know Roush Aviation for its FAA Certificated Repair Station specializing in the Overhaul and Service of the Merlin Engine, or our numerous FAA PMA Parts, we also have the capability to provide one off, of low production runs of replacement parts for vintage and warbird aircraft. In the past, we have provided replacement parts for various restorations including: P-51 Mustangs, P-47 Thunderbolts, P-38 Lightnings, F4U Corsairs, and B-17 Flying Fortresses. These replacement parts are either made from the original drawings or reverse engineered using scanning technology.
In addition to our machining and fabrication services, we also offer composite molding services for experimental aircraft.